Earlier in 2023, the Forbes Technology Council released an article about their “Top 15 Intriguing (And Concerning Facts) About Voice-Activated Tech”. These fifteen concerns are understandable and most people can probably agree with them. At Creoir, since 2020 we’ve been developing a solution to address most of them and are proud to say that Creoir EdgeVUI™ tackles all the concerns about the safety, security, and privacy of voice user interfaces, voice assistants, and other voice-activated tech.

One of the key factors enabling a more safe and secure voice user experience is the edge operation of the voice user interface. Privacy concerns can be eliminated when all audio processing is done locally on the device and not sent to the cloud or other 3rd party services for processing. The user of Creoir EdgeVUI™ voice solution is always free of data privacy concerns, as per default Creoir EdgeVUI™ doesn’t store any audio data. The benefits and features of our voice solution can be found here!

Always listening cloud-connected voice assistant platforms are suitable for many consumer products and use cases. However, generally, they are not the way to go for industrial and professional use. Voice-activated tech solutions are advancing the workflow with secondary non-critical controls in industries such as medical devices and robotics, special vehicles and machinery controls, industrial and building automation, and collaborative robotics controls.

You can read the Forbes article, and their list of concerns about voice-activated tech, from the following link! https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/03/21/15-intriguing-and-concerning-facts-about-voice-activated-tech/?sh=7f0690664935